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The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The image shows rays of sunlight shining through a forest, symbolizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
© Simon Bratt /

Many of the global sustainability challenges and calls for action are described in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Launched in 2015, the SDGs provide an inspiring framework for collective action. All of the goals are connected and Viessmann will use them as a compass to mobilize change.

The image shows the logo for the Global Week to #ACT4SDGs

The SDGs and Viessmann solutions

In our recent  Viessmann Climate Report, we published our climate strategy which outlines our contributions to SDG 13 among others.  In the next step, we are currently using the science-based Future-Fit Business Benchmark in defining a holistic sustainability strategy for the whole Viessmann Group. This will enable us to look at our current business models through a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lens and as a result generate a clear perspective on how we are impacting the SDGs today and how we maximize our positive contribution to reaching the SDGs by 2030. The SDGs guide us as we develop the Viessmann business, set ambitions, and engage with our partners.  Being  globally off track  in reaching the SDGs - through exceeding planetary boundaries and shortcomings on achievement of the social foundation, a rapid,  active transition  towards business models with only positive impacts on people and planet is needed - and this is exactly what we do at Viessmann.

Das Bild zeigt Icons der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung der UN

In our first approach towards the SDGs, we assessed the 17 goals based on the relevance for the company group. As a result the following eight SDGs were perceived as most relevant.

This goal encompasses ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls, and protecting them from violence. In terms of our company, our focus is placed on the equal participation of women in the labor market and the reconciliation of work and family life for women and men by working towards a partnership-based division of tasks in family work.

Water is one of many scarce resources. Access to clean drinking water, the improvement of water quality, the efficient use and sustainable withdrawal of water across all sectors, the implementation of integrated water resources management, the protection and restoration of water-dependent ecosystems, etc. are all considered under SDG 6. As a company, we want to cover all these points in our production processes, and we have already integrated them into our environmental management system.

One of the greatest transformations that we as humans on this planet will have to accomplish in the future is to convert the supply of energy to renewable resources. This means that we must now already use energy as efficiently as possible in order to conserve our planet’s resources and reduce the pressure on energy production. Viessmann energy systems are already based on these principles today. We work around the clock to make all our processes, products, and services as energy-efficient as possible.

Economic growth is the foundation for prosperity in the industrialized countries of the world. It ensures new jobs are created and serves as the basis for an efficient welfare state. We must aim, however, to decouple economic growth from the consumption of resources and energy in the future. Our day-to-day work at Viessmann concentrates on developing resource-saving technical solutions. We treat our employees fairly. They are part of the Viessmann family.

More and more people around the world are living in cities. And even if cities only take up around two percent of the land area, more than 50 percent of the world’s population already live there. Cities thus act as central stages of sustainable development: they drive our economies, culture, and innovation. 75 percent of carbon emissions are generated in cities. That’s why we need to pay special attention to the sustainable development of cities. At Viessmann, we make an important contribution to this with our technologies.

In short, it’s all about striking a delicate balance: on the one hand, to maintain and increase prosperity; on the other hand, to conserve the planet’s limited resources. It is extremely challenging to connect individual practices and behaviors with their worldwide effects and to consider the complexity of the global interdependencies. Our company endeavors to include sustainability in all its processes and tries to adjust administration, production, and sales activities accordingly.

Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. It does not stop at national borders and its impacts affect us all. Rapid and ambitious measures to reduce climate-damaging emissions and to adapt to the consequences of climate change are vital for global sustainable development. In our recent Viessmann Climate Report, we published our climate strategy which outlines our contributions to SDG 13.

All 17 goals can ultimately only be achieved with the cooperation of many players around the world. Networking can create new partnerships, identify creative solutions, and disseminate best practices. Viessmann is also devoted to this goal.

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